The View From Lazy Point: A natural year in an unnatural world, by Carl Safina (508 Sa17)
The Climate War: True believers, power brokers, and the fight to save the earth, by Eric Pooley (363.738 P789)
Eaarth: Making a life on a tough new planet, by Bill McKibben (363.738 M21)
(No, I didn't spell it wrong; the cover really has the planet's name spelled with two A's.)
How to Cool the Planet: geoengineering and the audacious quest to fix Earth's climate, by Jeff Goodell (551.6 G61)
(Okay, so "cooling" may not be a popular topic after the bitter cold we've had.)
Diet for a Hot Planet: The climate crisis at the end of your fork and what you can do about it, by Anna Lappe (338.19 L318)